欧马腾会展科技(上海)有限公司   上海会展设计,上海展览展示设计,上海会展策划


发布日期:2024-01-04     浏览:496


1. 打招呼与问候:

Hello! / Hi!(你好!)

Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你!)

How are you today?(你今天好吗?)

Welcome to our booth!(欢迎来到我们的展位!)

2. 自我介绍:

My name is [Your Name].(我叫[你的名字]。)

I'm from [Company Name].(我来自[公司名称]。)

I work in [Your Position].(我在[你的职位]工作。)

Let me introduce myself.(让我来介绍一下自己。)

3. 询问对方兴趣与需求:

What brings you to the expo?(是什么让你来参加展览的?)

Is there anything specific you're looking for?(有没有你特别关注的东西?)

Can I help you with anything?(有什么我可以帮你的吗?)

What are you interested in learning more about?(你对什么感兴趣?)

4. 产品介绍与展示:

Let me show you our latest product.(让我向你展示我们的最新产品。)

This is our flagship product.(这是我们的旗舰产品。)

Would you like a demonstration?(你想看一下演示吗?)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.(如果你有任何问题,随时问我。)

5. 索取名片与联系方式:

May I have your business card?(可以给我一张你的名片吗?)

Here is my card.(这是我的名片。)

Let's exchange contact information.(我们交换一下联系方式吧。)

I'll follow up with you after the expo.(展览结束后我会与您联系。)

6. 表达兴趣与欢迎合作:

We're interested in exploring potential collaborations.(我们有兴趣探讨潜在的合作机会。)

I'd love to learn more about your company.(我很想了解更多关于你们公司的信息。)

If there's an opportunity, we'd be open to partnerships.(如果有机会,我们愿意合作。)

We're always looking for new business connections.(我们一直在寻找新的商业伙伴。)

7. 结束交谈与告别:

It was nice talking to you.(很高兴和你聊天。)

Thank you for your time.(感谢你的时间。)

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me.(如果有其他问题,请随时联系我。)

Goodbye and enjoy the rest of the expo!(再见,祝你在展览的其余时间愉快!)


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